Tuesday, 16 October 2012

In The Window - 33 - Angelaine

In The Window - 33 Playlist

Alan Price - Fifty Pence (4:52)
Can - Vitamin C (3:32)

Angelaine - First Cut (3:46)
Angelaine - Only Girl in the World
Angelaine - Sophia

Godley & Creme - Snack Attack (6:36)
Dr. Marigold's Prescription - You've Got To Build Your Love On A Solid Foundation (3:03)
Dana Gillespie - Big 10in Record (3:00)

Angelaine - What Am I to You
Angelaine - Will you still love me Tomorrow (3:41)

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Diga Diga Do (4:15)
Kevin Coyne - Weirdo (4:49)
Principal Edwards Magic Theatre - To A Broken Guitar (2:38)
Invisible Opera Company + Gilli Smyth - I Am A Witch


Alan Price

Dr. Marigold's Prescription

Dana Gillespie


Invisible Opera Company of Tibet


We are broke and will save you from all that bad karma by releasing you of your money at


Sunday, 7 October 2012

In The Window 32 - UbuWeb

In The Window #32  - Playlist

Everything this show is from http://www.ubu.com/sound/
1. Kipper Kids - Sheik of Araby (4:29)

2. Joan La Barbara + Kenneth Goldmsith - Track 01 (0:21)
3. Joan La Barbara + Kenneth Goldmsith - Track 02 (0:21)
4. Joan La Barbara + Kenneth Goldmsith - Track 03 (0:37)

5. Ensemble Ordinature - Scherzo (2:53)
6. Furious Pig - Jonnys So Long (2:21)
7. Allen Ginsberg - Please Master (4:33)
8. Frank Zappa - The Talking Asshole (5:25)
9. Olivier Messiaen - Oraison; Ondas Martenot (7:50)
10. Flatus Vocis Trio - Nana (7:27)
11. Salvador dali - dalispeaks (3:28)
12. Allen Ginsberg - C.I.A. Dope Calypso (3:56)

13. Derbyshire, Delia - 011 a new view of politics (0:40)
14. Derbyshire, Delia - 015 great zoos of the world (0:36)
15. Derbyshire, Delia - 003 know your car (0:58)
16. Derbyshire, Delia - 005 talk out (0:26)
17. Derbyshire, Delia - 013 environmental studies (0:31)
18. Delia Derbyshire - Nightwalker (1:57)

 Sorry I only found out the show went out this weekend today (Sunday) - well ok I found out two months ago but you know the three signs that you are too old
1) You eyesight begins to go.
2) Your memory starts to fail
3) Um sorry I can’t remember the third one

Anywho what I'm trying to say is there are no pics or facts about any of these people, Delia Derbyshire has been covered here before and I'm sure she will again.

All the tracks can be downloaded FREE at http://www.ubu/

Love Frogs

Monday, 1 October 2012

Theatre Of The Mind - Bold Venture & Rocky Fortune

My first "Theater Of The Mind" for Crime City Central http://crimecitycentral.com/ looks at 2 OTR series "Bold Venture" with Bogie & Bacall and Rocky Fortune  with Sinatra. 

Download Links :-
Bold Venture           http://archive.org/details/BoldVenture57Episodes


You can also find me at   spiritplantsradio.com/   as DJ Frogs 

Radio archives :-

Some of my graphics are at :- http://archive.org/search.php?query=mega%20zit

The first test render of the BrainSong video is at http://youtu.be/snPzbqgV-Eg

You can read an interview at :-